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Decrypt Max Script

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Q: How do I encrypt my bash shell script on Linux environment? The shell script contains password, and I don't want others who have execute access to view the shell script and get the password. Is there a way to encrypt my shell script?
A: First, as a best practice you should not be encrypting your shell script. You should really document your shell script properly so that anybody who views it understands exactly what it does. If it contains sensitive information like password, you should figure out a different approach to write the shell script without having to encrypt it.

That being said, if you still insist on encrypting a shell script, you can use SHC utility as explained below. Please note that encrypted shell script created by shc is not readable by normal users. However someone who understands how this works can extract the original shell script from the encrypted binary created by shc.

Jan 14, 2016. MSE MAXScript Encrypted file (. An encrypted MAXScript uses a binary format that can't be read or edited, but that 3ds Max can run as it would an ordinary MS file. MZP MAXScript Zip Package file (. A MAXScript Zip package collects the related files that make up a scripted tool into a single file that you can run as you do an ordinary MS file.

SHC stands for shell script compiler.

1. Download shc and install it

Download shc and install it as shown below.

Verify that shc is installed properly.

2. Create a Sample Shell Script

Create a sample bash shell script that you like to encrypt using shc for testing purpose.

For testing purpose, let us create the following shell script which generates random numbers. You have to specify how many random numbers you like to generate.

Decrypt Max Script Online

3. Encrypt the Shell Script Using shc

Encrypt the shell scripting using shc as shown below.

This will create the following two files:

  • is the original unencrypted shell script
  • is the encrypted shell script in binary format
  • is the C source code of the file. This C source code is compiled to create the above encrypted file. The whole logic behind the shc is to convert the shell script to C program (and of course compile that to generate the executable)

4. Execute the Encrypted Shell Script

Now, let us execute the encrypted shell script to make sure it works as expected.

Please note that the binary itself is still dependent on the shell (the first line provided in the i.e /bin/bash) to be available to execute the script.

5. Specifying Expiration Date for Your Shell Script

Using shc you can also specify an expiration date. i.e After this expiration date when somebody tries to execute the shell script, they'll get an error message.

Let us say that you don't want anybody to execute the after 31-Dec-2011 (I used last year date for testing purpose).

Create a new encrypted shell script using 'shc -e' option to specify expiration date. The expiration date is specified in the dd/mm/yyyy format.

In this example, if someone tries to execute the, after 31-Dec-2011, they'll get a default expiration message as shown below.

If you like to specify your own custom expiration message, use -m option (along with -e option as shown below).

6. Create Redistributable Encrypted Shell Scripts

Apart from -e, and -m (for expiration), you can also use the following options:

  • -r will relax security to create a redistributable binary that executes on other systems that runs the same operating system as the one on which it was compiled.
  • -T will allow the created binary files to be traceable using programs like strace, ltrace, etc.
  • -v is for verbose

Typically you might want to use both -r and -T option to craete a redistributable and tracable shell encrypted shell script as shown below.

Finally, it is worth repeating again: You should not be encrypting your shell script in the first place. But, if you decided to encrypt your shell script using shc, please remember that a smart person can still generate the original shell script from the encrypted binary that was created by shc.

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